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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy organization Essay
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy organization - Essay Example It is now familiarly known as sufficiency economy principles. Sufficiency Economy principles that was promulgated and implemented by the King of Thailand is largely grounded on the principles of Buddhism which is likewise the major religion in the region (SufficiencyEconomy.org 2006; Leekpai 4). This ideology together with the commonly observed persistence of poverty generated a more fitted strategy of addressing such dilemma. Sufficiency economy as a long-term shot for a sustainable program is more like making choices in the midst of scarcity (Parkin 12). In which case, the citizens of Thailand were encouraged to accept trade-offs for the benefit of the majority, and to avoid the dangers of succumbing to times like the busted economy in 1997 to 1998 when real GDP growth was at negative 6.1 (-6.1), and Real GDP growth per capita was at negative seven point one (-7.1) (Warr 5). This particular situation is exactly in contrast to the economic boom enjoyed in the previous years. But, almost everyone knew that was hugely brought about by foreign i nvestment. In other words, when the investors departed, they left carrying along with them their capital plus profit, busting the economy of its capitalizations. Thus, it can be rationalized that the King's sufficiency economy theory is accurate. ... According to the author,"Positive growth was achieved in all subsequent years to 2003 (Phase IV), but an average rate of only 3.3 percent (1999 to 2003)" (Warr 5). The virtues of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's were of essence to the folks, business and emergent economies (Hewison v). It rest upon the conventional virtues of Buddhism's modest ways of living that emphasized the attitude of self-controlled expenditures, logical demeanor in living, self-preservation, and knowledge and righteousness, which lead to contentment, astuteness, serenity, and paradise. Research Questions 1. Did the participants understand the way with which Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is applied to their organization 2. What is the present level of understanding among the different organizations Reference Isarangkun, Chiraya and Pootrakool, Kobsak. Sustainable Economic Development Through The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. http://www.sufficiencyeconomy.org/en/files/3.pdf rets: 8/5/08. Hewison, Kevin. "Thailand Human Development Report. Sufficiency Economy and Human Development." Journal of Contemporary Asia 38.1 (2008): 212+. Questia. 5 Aug. 2008 . Leekpai, Chua. "A Better Future Together." Presidents & Prime Ministers Jan. 2000: 4. Questia. 5 Aug. 2008 . Parkin, Michael. Microeconomics. 4th ed. England:Addison-Wesley. 1998. Walker, Andrew. "The Rural Constitution and the Everyday Politics of Elections in Northern Thailand." Journal of Contemporary Asia 38.1 (2008): 84+. Questia. 5 Aug. 2008 . Warr, Peter, ed. Thailand beyond the Crisis. London: Routledge, 2004. Questia. 5 Aug. 2008
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Administration experience and training experience Essay
Administration experience and training experience - Essay Example The National Institute for Training is known for conducting seminars and workshop for both public and private organizations in the Middle East. In fact, NIT has always been tapped by the government to give training workshops for public servants because of its excellent programs. NIT is a leader in providing management related training workshops whether for public administrators or private managers. In fact, NIT has been recognized by the United Nations as premier trainor for public administration. Change and Creativity Workshop - I took this training because I know how important it is to introduce change in an organization to better improve its services. Usually, managers are stuck with the same routines and procedures after being used to their daily responsibilities. It seems that there is no other better way to do some things which is why some problems do not get solved at all. What I envisioned from the NIT workshops was an opportunity to gain stronger understanding of theà diff erent ways to improve management skills by making effective decisions while using creativity. I took the training experience for this particular workshop because I am seeking for new approaches to initiating procedures, policies and system. It is in my fervent hope that my management skills would become better after thus workshop. Meetings and Time Management I took the meetings and time management training because I want to enhance my time management skills. Previously, I was burdened my many unimportant tasks because I tried to attend to everything as much as possible. Even insignificant phone calls were answered which preoccupied my time. Likewise, I conducted long meetings that can be already considered unproductive. For this reason, I knew I had to attend the training so I can increase my productivity as a manager by focusing on more important things. I saw myself becoming very effective in time management after attending the training. Problem Solving and Decision Making One of the major functions of managers is to solve problems that can hamper operational efficiency. Part of solving problems is effective decision making that can make a great impact on business processes. I took this training experience because there are many challenges confronting a manager today. Before the start of the training, I was looking forward to new principles about problem solving and decision-making. Also, I knew that there are new approaches to solving problems using different tools or mind maps that can be introduced in the seminar. Usually, managers like myself have been too traditional in approaching problem solving. This time, I wanted something out of the box that can aid me in coming up with more creative ways to solve problems. I also want to come up with decisions that have win-win solutions for all parties involved. Briefly, I want to change and this training experience can help me acquire new skills and knowledge to become an agent of change. Q2. A full descriptio n what you learned from this training experience, including underlying principles, concepts, and competencies. During the training, some of the principles and concepts were not actually new to me anymore. Nevertheless, I still learned many things from this training experience. Change and Creativity Workshop- It is very important for managers like myself to become more resourceful and innovative because of the various challenges posed by the highly-competitive business environment. Likewise, the changing forces of globalization place an extra challenge for organizations to cope with ; hence, managers like myself should move forward along with trends. The first module which was Change and Creativity Workshop aimed at making managers agents of change. Usually, people are
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ancient And Historical Town Of Harar Tourism Essay
Ancient And Historical Town Of Harar Tourism Essay Harar is an ancient and historical town of Ethiopia, which is located in the eastern part of the country and about 525 away from the capital city, Addis Ababa. According to the current regional Administration set up it is the capital of Harari National Regional State. In 2008, Harari Region had a total population of 188,173 of which 94,688 were males (51.6%) and 93,485 were females (48.4%) Currently the population of Harar city is estimated to be 199,321. The area of town is about 1720 hectares (17. 29 Kms). The city has two distinct sections, the new and the old parts of the city. The old city comprises the walled part, popularly known as Jegole is far more densely populated than others areas of the city. The town has got five gates namely Erer Ber, Buda Ber, Senga Ber Felana Ber, and Shewa Ber. At present, the town has six Kebele Administrations (KAs) and nineteen sub Kebeles. Harar has been and remains the major trade center in the eastern part of Ethiopia. Its commercial orientation dates back to the older times, when it had contacts and strong trade links with India, Greece, Turkey, Italy Yemen, Egyptian and other Arab Nations. The Jegol with its five main gates represents a unique historical and religions place for residents and an attraction for tourists. The hyena show is a unique phenomenon in the country and perhaps in the whole world. The cultural heritages including the Mosques, Shrines, Harari National House, traditional handicrafts and tools make Harar one of the most important places and centers of attraction in the country. Recently the UNESCO had included the city in its list of world heritages. In such a place SWM gains importance as people from all walks of life from all over the world pay visits to know more about the city. Hence, this project is quite relevant to make the city cleaner and the population healthy and productive. Moreover, the migration adds woe to SMW in Harar city. It adds number to the existing population and contributes to the rapid increase in garbage accumulation which negatively influences MSWM in the city. Migration is one of the components of population dynamics that can affect the population size of an area when its volume is significant. People move towards areas which are believed to be desirable for either economic or non economic reasons through interplay of push factors at the place of origin and pull factors at the place of destination. The following are major push factors that face people to leave rural areas in the region and come into Harar city. Scarcity of agricultural land in rural area, Poverty of rural people due to various socio-economic crises, and Existence of trade in Harar town especially, large scale contraband trade, illegal smuggling of cattle and chat from the region to neighboring counties As population increases all over Sub-Saharan Africa, the quantum of garbage accumulated on each passing day also increases multifold. Many countries in African Continent are in the stage of development and the problems they face in all spears of life are numerous. Among them collection of garbage accumulated, mange the collected garbage and its disposal are of paramount importance as it affects the day to day life of almost every household with respect to Sanitation, Health, Economy, Livelihood and Socio-Cultural Phenomenon. Ethiopia is not an exception in this regard. There exists a system of garbage collection and disposal in the capital city Addis Ababa. Although it might be as efficient as it should be, the public gets some support and help from the municipal administration to live in a related clean environment. Moreover, there are mechanisms and devices in place in Addis Ababa metropolis to handle and manage of solid wastes accumulated. On the other hand, elsewhere in the count ry including the Historical city of Harar, one can find no established system exists with regard to garbage collection and disposal in general and solid waste management in particular. Hence, this study had looked into the factors that affect the solid waste management of the Harar municipality form different angles. On one hand Garbage management in general is a huge task to a developing country while its population and social participations is increasing rapidly. On the other hand, solid waste management in particular poses a great threat to its population challenging the health, economic, educational and socio-cultural fronts. Further, in the modern times occupational migration takes places, especially in developing countries, at a faster rate than ever before. This brings along with it economic strains, environmental population and various diseases. This is quite true to Harar city in Ethiopia as urban migration is in full swing as the city develops fast. There are umpteen numbers of constraints with regard to solid waste management. It varies from financial to sc social constraints. Some of them are geographically influenced while others are caused by negligence of personal and environmental hygiene. Hence , this project aims at bring to the notice of the policy makers of the country in general and to the Harar municipal administration in particular to take necessary actions and prepare interventions so that the solid waste management in Harar city soon becomes effective and this Historical City becomes a green and beautiful city. Moreover, this project may forward some input as the inclusion of direct water supply and sanitation targets are directly included in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the nation. It was basically hypothesized in this project that demographic, institutional and socio-economic factors of the household were playing key roles with regard to SWM of Harar city. However, these factors were greatly influenced by the following broad based phenomena with respect to municipal SWM system. In any given country solid waste management system displays several problems, including low collection coverage by concerned authorities besides, poor collection methods. The garbage collected is not properly stored and eventually disposed. Consequently, disease spreading micro-organisms spread at alarming rate and speed. Several factors are responsible for this situation. They can broadly be grouped as institutional, social, financial, technical, economic, and constraints as explained below. Technical Constraints Lack of Human Resource This is a major problem in developing word. On one hand, people do not want to be sanitation workers as they believe that are looked down by the society; the compensation for such workers is indeed very low, on the other. Consequently, there is enough manpower to so the job. Therefore, the development of human resources is essential Ineffective Planning Another important aspect is planning with regard to SWM. In the absence required resources even an effective plan fails more often than not. Moreover, experts in SWM planning are few. Even those very few experts available in this filed are not given any skill upgrading training. This results in inefficiency as they could not plan as per the demand of the situation. It is fact in many countries in Africa that SWM planning is always linked with general planning. Lack of Research Activities Almost all countries in Africa lack funds for all- round development in general and SWM in particular. In the absence of required funds, research activities can not be initiated. In the absence of research, any development in this filed is impractical. Hence, more research activities are to be carried out in this regard. The current project is a step forward in this regard. (b) Financial Constraints Funds Provided by Central / State Governments MSWM is not given priority in many parts of the world, especially in several developing nations. The annual budget allotted for MSWM could not meet even 6 months need. Lack of funds is indeed a great barrier in MSWM. Willingness to Pay by the Users/Households The problem is indeed great at the local government level in many developing countries. People in many countries in the developing world believe that MSWM is the total responsibility entrusted with the central, regional and local authorities and the individual citizen has nothing to do with it. Hence, the willingness to pay by the citizens is very low and it gets worse as the income of majority of the people in the developing world is bare enough to make both the ends in their day-to-life leave alone their willingness to pay for MSWM. Lack of Industrial Development It is needless to say that industrial development in the developing world is slow and it faces several continuous constraints. The governments, hence, are forced to import spare parts and machines from abroad using their hard earned foreign currencies. This has a negative impact in the development of the nations concerned. The lack of industry is responsible for several bottlenecks in MSWM as the municipalities could not get needed implements and machinery to collect, store and dispose the garbage safely. Moreover, due to lack of industries, the solid wastes could not be recycled and reused. (c) Institutional Constraints Lack of Coordination between Institutions Communication between and among institutions that have stakes in MSWM is matter of concern. There exists lack of coordination among them and this creates hindrances in effective MSWM. The sanitation workers may not receive timely instructions form the MSWM controlling body and the MSWM controlling body itself may not receive any communications or instructions from health institutions, hospitals, industries and the like on the nature and amount of SW available for collection and disposal. Difficulties in Enforcing SWM Laws No laws were enacted in many countries in the developing world with regard to MSWM. There are several social and tradition al constraints in enacting any law in MSWM. Although a few countries enacted laws in this regard, they could not effectively enforce them due to financial constrains, lack of manpower and public cooperation. Moreover, there is lack of clear legal authorization to local governments from the federal level with regard to MSWM. (d) Social Constraints Households Attitude towards SWM Personnel Even in the current 21st century, some people still believe that a sanitation worker is doing an inferior job such as collecting industrial and human waste. This taboo prevents many from joining the sanitation team paid or unpaid. Absence of Social and Economic Incentives It is a fact that the educational level of the people is far below in the developing world in comparison with industrialized countries. Hence, social attitude towards MSWM is not encouraging. People do not come forward to participate in any cleaning activities proposed by local administration or Non Governmental Originations or Environmental Activists. Although some people may come forward to participate in such activities, they may not get required devices to perform the job such as a broom-stick, a fork and a garbage collection container. Moreover, scavenging from waste disposal is a livelihood strategy to many people. They collect materials from the garbage that they could sell in the market or individual and earn money. Large number of people involved in this activity. They have no training for change of profession and to become creative citizens. Thus, this project looked into the factors mentioned above aggregately focusing on the demographic, institutional and socio-cultural realities related to the households in the selected study areas of Harar city with regard to SWM. Statement of the Problem We discussed above several factors that have direct relationship with and influence on SWM in Harar city. Any onlooker in the main streets of the city can easily say that the current SWM system in the city is quite wanting. One could see garbage is spilled on the road sides, corners and in front of dwelling premises. There is municipal overseeing in the city with regard to garbage collection and distribution. Yet, there are several factors that make the SWM of the city poor and inefficient. The following illustrations illuminate the problems of SWM system of Harar city. The following snapshot clearly shows that SWM is not in a desired level. Rubbish and refuse are thrown indiscriminately all over the place in the city. Although there are garbage containers placed at different locations in the city, there is no controlling mechanism to see that they are properly maintained. People and animal alike live together in the place very close to garbage collection containers. To make matters worse materials for human consumption such as vegetables are kept for sales in close proximity of garbage containers that may result in environmental pollution and health havoc. Photo 1 Proximity of Public-Business- Animal to Waste Containers Source: Own Photography, 2010 Another snap shot taken a few days ago at the study area depicts the awful situation in which human and mammal make day-to-day living along with the garbage as if nothing unusual is happening. It is evident from the picture that the garbage container is very much in place; nevertheless, the hazardous garbage is spilled all over the place where human and animal walk on that. This may eventually result in epidemics and environmental degradation. It is evident from the picture above and the one below that garbage collection is erratic and the socio economic condition of household living in the vicinity plays its own role towards this environmental condition that prevails in the study area. Photo 2 Animal Human- Business Garbage Together: a Health Hazard Source: Own Photography, 2010 From the picture below one can get a horrible sight adjacent to the city limits. People who make their living from collecting materials that they can sell from the rubbish are doing their job in a condition that might infect them and eventually make them unproductive citizens. Here also man and mammal are close to each other. The pickers do not wear any protective gears- not even gloves. This is due to the fact that the collected refuse is not stored properly and the disposal system is indeed alarming. The rubbish may decay in very short time due to humidity and spill into waterways and water points nearby. The wind plays its part in bringing the garbage back into the city. Neither sanitary workers nor municipal guards are seen anywhere near the dump. Photo 3 Waste Pickers- Young and Old with Animal- A Risky Survival Source: Own Photography, 2010 In the following illustration we could see that the municipal sanitary worker collects the garbage into a small mobile container. Although the container is already filled to its capacity, the worker is on the process of filling it with more garbage only to make it fall on the road reroute. The mobile container is small that it may not suffice the need in comparison with that the total amount of garbage collected in the area that is thickly populated. A single sanitary worker is in action in a place where hundreds of kilos of rubbish generated in a single day. Moreover, the sanitary worker uses a broom stick made of local grass and has no spatula nor other devises that are needed to handle the rubbish. Photo 4 Ill-equipped Sanitation Worker Source: Own Photography, 2010 We shall now look at the final destination of the garbage collected from the city. They are brought to a place just outside the main settlement area of the city and dumped in an open field without any protection or fence. The garbage is piled over and over and eventually they fall into the waterway underneath and reach the households nearby. They are highly contaminated and for sure put the members of the households in risk that come into contact with the rubbish. More importantly, this dump is the breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes that spread diseases of different kinds. The vegetation near the dump site dwindles due to the toxic soil caused by the chemical reaction of the rubbish stored for unlimited number of days and months. Above all the dump site is certainly not an attraction to any visitor to this historical and UNESCO preserved city. It is evident from the description and illustration above that the SWM system is not upto the desired level at Harar city. There are several factors that make SWM not effective elsewhere in the country in general and in Harar city in particular. The current SWM system in the city puts the households at the risk of getting exposed to health hazardous and socio-economic debacles. Moreover, neither any survey researches nor project works were carried out in the city on this thematic area although some reports were submitted by appointed consultants to the local government on SWM in Harar city. The researcher, thus, feels there is gap in this regard and he believes this project can fill to a given extent. Project Purpose Solid waste is generated more and more at the end of each day throughout the world. Therefore, the space needed to store it and its handling techniques decrease fast. Yet, there are people who are really concerned on this issue. Our households and industries create waste; hence, it our duty to device a mechanism to solve this problem. We have to reduce the refuse, reuse the remaining, and recycle the rest. It is obvious that it is easier said than done as many people live in cities of REFUSE. To make matters worse, the wealthier nations are bargaining with the needy nations to accept their waste, both civil and nuclear. However, the problems and short comings in SWM may not be similar in all countries although it is indeed a challenge to the world in general and developing countries like Ethiopia in particular. It is even worse in place like Harar- a historical city in Ethiopia due to the combination of several problems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to look into some factors that the researcher believes contribute towards the poor and weak SWM in the city. 1.4 Objectives of the Project The general objective of this study is to look into factors that negatively affect SWM in Harar city The Specific objectives are: The current level of SWM in Harar city, and Factors that effect the SWM service delivery in Harar city It was hypothesized for this project that the prevailing municipal SWM system at Harar had several challenges and threats influenced by demographic, institutional and socio-economic factors. Based on this hypothesis the following questions were addressed for this project What is the current Status of the Solid Waste Management by the Harar municipality? What are the challenges faced by the municipality and the household members with regard to garbage accumulation, collection and disposal in the study area? What are the threats that face both the municipal administration and the household members in this regard? What could be the solutions to mitigate the challenges and threats so faced by the municipality and the household with regard to Solid Waste Management? Methodology Harar city is situated 525 Kms away from the capital city Addis Ababa to the east. It is a historical city dated back to several centuries. It is one of the holy places for Muslims all over the world. Harar is also known as Walled City as the entire city was circled by a long wall then. Presently, the city is extended out side the wall limits. It is a city known for trade. Almost all types of trades are carried out here. There are six Kebele Administrations (KAs) in Harar City. In addition to these PAs there are nineteen sub-Kebeles in the city. The following is the map of Ethiopia that shows the location of Harar city. Figure 1 Map that Shows the Location of Harar City in Ethiopia Source: Bureau of Finance and Economic Development, Harari Regional State For this study two Kebele Administrations viz. Amernur Kebele from within the Jegol and Jinela Kebele outside the Jegol were purposively selected based on the fact that they are larger Kebeles in population and size. Moreover, these two KAs contribute the largest share to the daily garbage accumulation of the city as per the available information from the Municipality of Harar. Both Amernur and Jinela Kebeles are inhabited by households who are involved in trade, civil service and skilled and unskilled jobs. Jinela Kebele has the largest open market of the city with household population. In Amernur Kebele the SW generated included both household rubbish and trade refuses whereas in Jinela Kebele the SW generated included both market refuses and leftovers and household rubbish. Thus both Kebeles were similar in SW generation. Moreover, the modes garbage accumulation and collection processes were quite similar in both the Kebeles. Hence, fifty households from each Kebele were randomly selected as samples. The samples were selected randomly for the reason that the numbers of households live in both Kebeles were near similar although Jinela Kebele has the largest open market of the city. Besides household samples 20 municipal workers, who involved in SWM were selected on voluntary basis. Additionally, Garbage pickers numbering 5 (two elderly men, one elderly woman, one young lady and two boys) who were present collecting materials at the time of visit of the researcher to the dump sites were selected. This was because of the fact that those garbage pickers did not have any permanent address nor contact details. Aggregate case studies collected from both the municipal workers involved in SWM and the garbage pickers were presented in the result and discussion chapter. Further, the ethics of social science research were strictly followed for this project and the rights of the sample participants with special reference to sample selection, data collection procedure wer e adhered. Five enumerators, besides the researcher, were selected who had experience in conducting research projects/surveys and who could communicate in the local vernacular Harari and Afan Oromo besides the countrys official language Amharinga. The enumerators were given training for a week before data collection on the nature of the project and ethics of data collection in social science related projects. A checklist was prepared for the interview and group discussion and a semi-structured mini-interview schedule was prepared to elicit information from Households on SWM. Both the interview checklist and mini interview schedule were pre-tested with non-sample population in the study area and needed amendments/modifications were incorporated in them. The data so collected were interpreted in words supported by relevant tables, figures and individual case studies. 1.6. Delimitation of the Project The study was conducted only in two Kebele Administrations of Harar city viz. Amernur and Jinela Kebeles were selected due to time constraints and for the reason that the researcher lives and works in the proximity of these Kebeles ,visiting these Kebeles almost two to three times daily either for professional or for personal reasons or for both. Thus, he is well aware of the challenges of SWM in these Kebeles. Moreover, the facts emerged from this project with regard to SWM in these Kebeles are, more or less, true to other areas of the city. 1.7 Limitations of the Project The major problem that the researcher faced in this project was the disinterestedness of the sample population to undertake any campaign with regard to weak and poor SWM right in their dwelling area although they are quite aware of the health hazards that non-disposed or improperly disposed garbage might bring on them. One could understand from the photographs exhibited above how man and mammal live together with the garbage disposed. Hence, the researcher had to induce interest in them by talking to them the need for a better SWM system in the city and how in turn it would make their day-to-day life more pleasant than it is now. Eventually, he could make them actively participate in focus group discussions and answer the questions raised for data collection. Accordingly all samples gave all information available with them with regard to SWM in the city. 1.8 Significance of the Project As far as the knowledge of the researcher goes, no credible research done at Harar City with regard to MSWM except for a few consultant reports as mentioned elsewhere in this project. Therefore, it is believed that this project could serve as a secondary for potential research to be carried out in the days to come.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Warriors Dont Cry :: essays research papers
Warriors Donââ¬â¢t Cry Melba Pattillo Beals- A junior when she entered Central High School, Melba did a lot of growing up that year. With the Supreme Court overturning their decision, the same day of that decision, on her way home from school she was attacked and almost raped. She endured a lot of harassment that year. She got her heels stepped on between every class and was singed by the water when she tried to shower after gym class. She had all her clothes sprayed on by ink and she got her eyes sprayed with acid which caused her to have to wear glasses. That same year she lived through what was supposed to be the happiest time of a girls live. She got her first boyfriend and had her first date, but all she could ever think about was how she was going to make it through her next day. Although eventually she did happen to make a friend (Link) that helped her by telling her places to avoid, he could not be seen in public with her. That year Melba turned 16 and though that year she had nobody attend her par ty due to the fact that they were scared to come over to her house due to all the bomb threats everybody especially the Little Rock Nine were receiving. Everyday became a struggle for Melba, she woke-up, got dressed and went to school were she tried to make herself not seen to avoid the harassment, then she had to give interviews to reporters (which she had determined that that was her future job), and then went home to an endless ringing phone from threats or plain old hang ups. That year she had to due without a lot of the teenage things, once her friend Minnijean was expelled, she had no one to talk to, at home or at school. After that terrible year Melba spent at Central, she did not return there for her senior year. Instead, she went to stay at the home of Dr. George McCabe and his wife Carol in the Santa Rosa, California. Dr. Lois Peyton Pattillo (Mother Lois)-Giving birth to a sick baby the same day that Pearl Harbor was bombed started the life of Melba Pattillo Beals. Mother Lois was one of the first African American to integrate the University of Arkansas where she received her masterââ¬â¢s in education. She worked as a seventh grade English teacher and was the main source of income for her family.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is Graffiti an Art or a Crime Essay
Through the years, people have expressed themselves in different ways and manners. Some have chosen photography, drawings or sculpture. Others came up with new ways like graffiti which is a new form of urban expression that made controversial reactions. I believe that some graffiti is an artistic performance because of its expressive nature, beautiful display, and creative ways. The rest of it reveals a criminal behavior since it uses othersââ¬â¢ properties without permission or consideration, harms the urban landscape, and sends negative messages. The major differences between both perceptions are the aim of the taggers and location of the tags. On the one hand, taggers have produced beautiful and expressive pieces that people appreciated. During a class trip to 5 Pointz, an outdoor art exhibit space in Long Island City, New York, where graffiti is permitted and regulated. I stood for few minutes in front of a tag of ghostly skulls surrounded by flames (The Picture). The skulls had an expression on their skinless faces that made me feel like hearing the sound of those portrayed people as if they were screaming out in pain with the sound of evil laughter in the background. This mixture of its beauty and livelihood made me and my classmates enjoy the experience. In addition, after admiring the excellence of the tags, I thought that those taggers must be very talented and creative to come up with such beautiful artworks, especially on those large surfaces and hard-to-reach places, bearing in mind that theyââ¬â¢re only using spray paint. It makes you wonder how they could make all those fading colors and shades, and transform bare walls into three dimensional objects. They certainly are very creative and highly skilled. Before leaving the site, I noticed that there was a transportation corporation that actually had graffiti artists tag its wall with trucks to make it more appealing to commuters, which affirms that people do like and appreciate this art as long as it belongs where it is permitted. On the other hand, I denounce the effect that graffiti has had and continues to have on our urban landscape. Thatââ¬â¢s where it gets associated with vandalism, because instead of tagging specified places, taggers choose train cars, bridges and public walls, which make the cities look messy and hasty, forcing the authorities to spend unnecessary money to paint them over. Furthermore, most of graffiti, especially those done discretely and with no permission display gang names, obscene language and silly drawings which make many people think of it as crime and violence. In McCannââ¬â¢s novel Let the Great World Spin, Ciaran was accompanying his brother and looked across the van window to a church, and said ââ¬Å"It was daubed in graffitiââ¬âwhites, yellows, reds, silvers. TAGS 173. GRACO 76. The stained- glass windows had been broken with small stones. Even the cross on top was tagged. â⬠(McCann, 34). When he said that even the cross was tagged, I thought that they were making a statement that their pride and art are above religion, and thus above other peopleââ¬â¢s beliefs and feelings. Graffitists were invading every surface, including sacred and religious ones. It seemed that they find their pleasure in what annoys and bothers their community, just like the person who gets pleasure in consuming drugs that are poisoning his own body. They leave others clean up, deal with the trauma of property damage, and wonder why their property became a target, whether it was hate and racism act, or just a tool in somebodyââ¬â¢s careless adventure. Whereas many people find it hard to categorize graffiti, I think that the taggers are the ones who make of it an art or a crime based on their purposes and the locations they use. For instance, when I come across a tag that catches my eye, even if it is visually pleasant, it bothers me a lot to see that the tagger made it with the intent of defying the authorities, damaging public or private property, or just challenging and cursing his rivals, instead of making it to express himself and display his high talent. It loses its artistic value and becomes a cheap tool for his malicious intentions. I also believe that it depends heavily on where theyââ¬â¢re putting up their work. If a graffitist uses the walls of my building without my permission, I would not be happy, and I certainly would not consider that as an artistic act, but as a reckless behavior showing disrespect. It is just as if someone rode your bike, without your permission, to perform some stunts and then brought it back to you and expected you to appreciate that. That is insane. Inversely, if the tagger performs on a spot where it is regulated and permitted (like the 5 Pointz site), I would get to see his pieces from a positive perspective. In conclusion, graffiti is basically an artistic performance that contains talent and aesthetic vision. It also is very expressive and meaningful. But, some taggers use individualsââ¬â¢ and public properties without their permission displaying gang-like negative messages and vandalizing our urban scenery which makes many of it considered as a criminal act. What distinguishes between graffiti being art and graffiti as an act of vandalism is the intent of its producers and the spots they chose to display their pieces. As people continue to live, there will continue to be inventions of new methods of social expression.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Duality of Jekyll and Hyde Essay
Focusing on the opening and closing chapters, how does Robert Louis Stevenson explore the conflict of duality in human nature in ââ¬ËDr Jekyll and Mr Hydeââ¬â¢. ââ¬ËThe Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hydeââ¬â¢ is a book published in a Victorian society with strict moral codes. This was also a time of discovery and science, and tension between religion and science was constantly rising. In this book you can infer that religion doesnââ¬â¢t bring answers or contentment, but also a warning to the use of science, and what could become of it. The book explores the duality of a man, Dr Jekyll, and how neither science nor religion brought him salvation. The duality in Jekyll and Hyde is represented by Jekyll and Hype as good and evil. The cause of why Jekyll made the potion was to satisfy his inner desires, but was prevented because of ââ¬Å"the high views I had set before me, I regarded and hid them with an almost morbid sense of shamesâ⬠. This quote from Jekyll explains that, because of the strict moral codes, and high respectability, Jekyll was unable to fulfil his desires without dishonouring his name, and so buried his fascinations away, showing self control. ââ¬Å"These polar twinsâ⬠¦ continuously strugglingâ⬠, describes the duality fighting in Jekyll mind before he split himself. The ââ¬Å"polar twinsâ⬠is cleverly used and the two poles (Arctic and Antarctic) are on two different sides of the world, in two different hemispheres of the earth. This could be that the poles are so far apart, but similar in climate, so closer than they might think, as is the case for the 2 sides of Jekyll, and each is strugg ling to gain power over the other. To avoid dishonouring himself, he split his good and evil personalities, so only one side of himself could be threatening his good or neutral name, but where Jekyll possessed normal human self control, Hyde had none. What actually happens to Jekyll, once he had taken the potion, was that it allowed both his evil and his good sides to roam free, with little consequences. Until the changes start to get out of control, and Jekyllââ¬â¢s grasp over Hyde alters in Hydeââ¬â¢s favour. Jekyll becomes addicted to the use of the potion, and leads to a twisted world of murder, deception and death. The physical change from Jekyll to Hyde is described by Jekyll as ââ¬Å"grinding in the bones, deadly nausea, and a horror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or deathâ⬠. Jekyllââ¬â¢s alteration is show through mainly his pain in the description. ââ¬Å"Grinding in the bonesâ⬠sets the scene with not just visual, but audio. It describes the cringing sound of the change more than the appearance. Also, ââ¬Å"deadly nauseaâ⬠is possibly a symptom or side effect of the potion that causes sickness and confusion during the event, and Stevenson used ââ¬Ëdeadly to emphasise the pain. At the time where religion was being doubted, Jekyll chose the opportunity to play god with science. Some certain, powerful phrases use both spiritual and scientific vocabulary and references, such as ââ¬ËHorror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth and deathââ¬â¢; this phrase is important to comparing the scale of what Jekyll had just disc overed. It illustrates that both birth and death are a major event, and play a big part of a living organismââ¬â¢s life, which God was believed to have controlled and kept balance of good and evil, whether itââ¬â¢s the birth and death of us, or of someone who was a part of our lives. Yet, Jekyll was able to manipulate the power of science to over through Godââ¬â¢s rule and will, pushing boundaries no one had dared dreamed of reaching before. Comparing a scientific discovery, and what happens when using that discovery, would imply that it was on a grand scale of great importance. Also, events such as birth and death tend to be painful experiences, so it could also link into the pain of such event. However, from Lanyonââ¬â¢s narrative, he describes the changing from Jekyll to Hyde slightly more viciously, which also gives us insight into what it is like from someone elseââ¬â¢s point of view. ââ¬ËStaring with infected eyes, gasping with open mouth.ââ¬â¢ The description of ââ¬Ëinfected eyesââ¬â¢, seem as though it would be slightly exaggerated. When thinking of ââ¬Ëinfectedââ¬â¢, we usually think of illness. This is probably, from what we can imply, what Lanyon thought it was. Also, ââ¬Ëgasping with open mouthââ¬â¢, could be panic from Jekyll, for regrettably knowing that once again e is unleashing Hyde back into the world. However, other meanings can be interpreted. If someone was to ââ¬Ëgasp with open mouthââ¬â¢, you would expect somebody to be doing this during their death, therefore symbolising that it was the death of Jekyll, and the re birth of Hyde. Although Jekyll thinks the potion is a solution, there are also long term effects of using the potion, and what happens. Jekyll begins to get addicted, to some extent, to the freedom and unlimited boundaries of Hydeââ¬â¢s power. Little does Jekyll know that the more times he uses the potion, the more powerful Hyde becomes over Jekyll, which results in Hyde coming and going as he pleases. The contrasting descriptions of Jekyll and Hyde, and also the reactions caused by their appearances link to the confliction between the two characters, Jekyll and Hyde, are similar from the people who meet them. Nearer the end of the novel, a constant battle is taking place, and Stevenson is able to show duality of Jekyll through confliction of the contrasting personalities, trapped by one anotherââ¬â¢s limits. As Jekyll is a doctor, it is his choice of career that he is able to help, and heal people, and once again representing good. Whereas Hyde makes doctors, who are obliged not to judge people, and help in any circumstance, ââ¬Å"turn sick and white with the desire to killâ⬠. If just one look at Hyde makes a healer want to kill, his personality must match his appearance. In contrast, Jekyll is physically described as ââ¬Å"extremely handsomeâ⬠, ââ¬Å"well proportionedâ⬠and withâ⬠every mark of capacity and kindnessâ⬠. The physical description of this character reflects on the reaction other people treat him with. Also, as Jekyll is a well respected doctor, his personality is expected to match his appearance. This is also the case with Hyde, however, he doesnââ¬â¢t get the same judgments as Jekyll gets. Hyde is described as ââ¬Å"pale and dwarfishâ⬠, giving an ââ¬Å"impression of deformityâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Satanââ¬â¢s signature upon a faceâ⬠. From these descriptions, we can see why his was disliked so much, and Hydeââ¬â¢s personality reflected his features to every last detail. Stevenson used the phrase ââ¬Å"Satanââ¬â¢s signature upon a faceâ⬠, which is related to religion, and ties in nicely with the books theme. Where people may say their faces are blessed by god, this phrase is implying that Hydeââ¬â¢s face was blessed by the devil, giving the impression that he is hideous, because Satan left his mark on him. Stevenson also explores the hidden duality in this book is doors and windows. At the beginning of the book, many questions are asked and are hidden behind doors. For instance, Hydeââ¬â¢s house is described at the beginning as ââ¬Å"two stories high; showed no window, nothing but a doorâ⬠¦ A blind forehead of discoloured wallâ⬠¦ And bore in every feature, the marks of prolonged and sordid negligence. The doorâ⬠¦ Was blistered and distainedâ⬠. The language used to describe Jekyllââ¬â¢s house was also very interesting. Utterson described this house referring to Hydeââ¬â¢s influence, but also as if it was a person. ââ¬Å"Blind foreheadâ⬠¦ every featureâ⬠¦was blisteredâ⬠are all ways we would somehow describe a human, which nicely links into the idea of the doors hiding and almost keeping secrets, and windows openly showing themselves. The house is also hidden and secluded around a back alley, out of view from the public, and very secretive, and it had no windows, and windows are let you see what is going on, they have no secrets. Through this idea of doors and windows, reflects also on the people. Before Hyde was entered into the picture, Jekyll was a very open and honest man. His door was always open. As Hydeââ¬â¢s power begins to grow, we can see that Jekyll becomes more engulfed and isolated in his own home because of his secret, and finds it hard to let anyone in, even people, such as Utterson, whom he trusted with his life. As the book goes on, doors are opened to show that questions are being answered, but there is also a physical use for the doors and windows. Jekyllââ¬â¢s house is very welcoming on a main street. The courtyard behind the house links to Jekyllââ¬â¢s house. Hyde is allowed to come and go as he pleases through the back door, creating even more mystery and arousing suspicion with occupants of the house. Basically, the front of the house was the well respected, first impression view, but the back was hidden, so could not be judged by who came and went. At the time in the book, where science has failed to provide any answers, Jekyll turned his head back towards religion. We can see this taking place when Jekyll ââ¬Å"had fallen upon his knees and lifted his clasped hands to Godâ⬠. At this point, Hydeââ¬â¢s power had grown beyond any imagination, or plight for help as Jekyll barely has control of himself, let alone Hyde. I think this quote symbolises how desperate Jekyll had become, from being a man of science, to resorting to religion to ease his soul and conscience. Other characters of interest the book also represent some of the themes to the book, but more subtly. For example, on chapter one, Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield are described as unlikely friends because nobody could see what they shared in common, they would go on walks every Sunday and ââ¬Å"Set aside occasions of pleasure, but even resisted calls of business, that they might enjoy them uninterruptedâ⬠. This links to Jekyll and Hyde because no one can see why they are associated with one another, such as Jekyll leaving Hyde everything in his will, but Utterson couldnââ¬â¢t understand why. The hypocrisy of the hidden duality in the book is demonstrated not just through Jekyll and Hyde, but through other, fairly decent characters as well. We can only assume that from the book, Hydeââ¬â¢s influence causes people to change. For example, in the first chapter, ââ¬ËStory of the Doorââ¬â¢, Hyde tramples a young girl. Mr. Enfield, who witnessed this crime, blackmailed Hyde by saying ââ¬Å"we could and would make such a scandal out of this, as should make his name stink from one end of London to the otherâ⬠¦ We screwed him up to a hundred pounds for the childââ¬â¢s familyâ⬠. Even though Enfield had told Hyde it was wrong to blackmail, but they did it anyway. There is also hypocrisy in how Dr. Jekyllââ¬â¢s experiment backfires. After the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, Jekyll had given Utterson his word that he had gone and was not coming back. The hypocrisy of it all is that even though he had prevented Hyde taking power over him again, the temptation was too great, and went back to using the potion and increasing Hydeââ¬â¢s strength. I also think hypocrisy is shown through Jekyllââ¬â¢s head butler, Poole. As he is in charge of those lower than him, such as other butlers and maids, he encourages them not to ask too many questions, as that is what their job requires. However, Poole goes out to get Utterson for help, and does ask questions about what is going on with his master, and by doing so, he is being hypocritical. To conclude, I think that Robert Louis Stevenson explores the conflict of duality in the human nature in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ by his clever use of themes and language to engage different meanings. We can gather that from the background conflict of science and religion, that Stevenson was using the warnings and deceitfulness of the two to show that neither is right or wrong. He explains ââ¬Å"that man is not truly one, but twoâ⬠and was able to put this into context by using the gothic horror genre so that people would understand and want to read. In the end, I think that the main theme of duality in the book is not just a theory, but a belief, and that the only thing that man has to fear, is man itself.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
High School Social Studies Curriculum Plan of Study
High School Social Studies Curriculum Plan of Study High School social studies typically consist of three years of required credits along with additionally offered electives. Following is an overview of these required courses along with electives one might find at a typical high school. Sample High School Social Studies Plan of Study Year One: World History The World History course is obviously a true survey course. Due to time constraints, students typically get just a taste of the various cultures and their history from around the world. The most powerful world history curriculum is one which builds connections between world cultures. World history follows a progression as follows: Prehistory and Early ManFirst civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China)Greece and RomeMedieval China and JapanMedieval Era in EuropeRenaissance and Reformation in EuropeModern Era AP World History is the standard replacement for World History. This course is considered an introductory advanced placement social studies course. Year Two: Electives This plan of study assumes that only three full year credits are required in social studies for graduation. Therefore, this year is one in which students often take any desired social studies electives.This list is not meant to be exhaustive but instead representative of a typical high school. Psychology or AP PsychologySociologyWorld GeographyAP Comparative Government Year Three: American History The American History course differs in many locations. Some have American History in high school cover the time period beginning with the American Civil War while others have it begin at the beginning. In this curriculum example, we begin with a brief review of exploration and discovery before jumping into the colonial era. One of the main purposes of the American History course is to highlight the root causes and interconnections of many events that arose throughout Americas past. Connections are highlighted along with the dynamics of group interaction, the building of a national identity, the rise of social movements, and the growth of federal institutions. AP American History is the standard replacement for American History. This course covers topics that range from discovery and exploration through the most recent presidential administrations. Year Four: American Government and Economics Each of these courses normally lasts for one-half of the year. Therefore, they are typically placed together although there is no reason that they have to follow each other or be completed in a particular order. American Government: American Government provides students the basic understanding of the institutions and functions of government in America. Students learn about the foundations of American Government and then focus on the institutions themselves. Further, they learn about the ways that they can get involved and participate in government.ââ¬â¹ Check out thisà American Government Course Outline.AP American Government replaces American Government. This course typically covers the same topics as American Government but in greater depth. Emphasis is placed on interpretation, synthesis, and analysis of governmental policies and institutions.Economics:à In Economics students learn key economic concepts such as scarcity, supply and demand, and major economic theories. Students then focus on the way that the American government interacts with the American economy. The last portion of the course is spent on real-world applications of economic concepts. Students do not only learn basi c consumer economics but also details about savings and investing. AP Macroeconomics and/or AP Microeconomics replaces Economics. This advanced placement course focuses less on consumer economics and more on a typical undergraduate level of economic theory.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Micro economic environment Essay Example
Micro economic environment Essay Example Micro economic environment Paper Micro economic environment Paper The economic environment consists of external factors in a business market and the broader economy that can influence a business. You can divide the economic environment into the microeconomic environment, which affects business decision-making such as individual actions of firms and consumers, and the macroeconomic environment, which affects an entire economy and all of its participants. Many economic factors act as external constraints on your business, which means that you have little, if any, control over them. Lets take a look at both of these broad factors in more detail Macroeconomic influences are broad economic factors that either directly or indirectly affect the entire economy and all of its participants, including your business. These factors include such things as: Interest rates Taxes Inflation Currency exchange rates Consumer discretionary income Savings rates Consumer confidence levels unemployment rate Recession Depression Microeconomic factors influence how your business will make decisions. Unlike macroeconomic factors, these factors are far less broad in scope and do not necessarily affect the entire economy as a whole. Microeconomic actors influencing a business include: Market size Demand Us apply Competitors Suppliers Distribution chain such as retailer stores Why Is It Important? The economic environment of business will play a pivotal role in determining the success or failure of a business. Lets first consider some macroeconomic factors. If interest rates are too high, the cost of borrowing may not permit a business to expand. On the other hand, if unemployment rate is high, businesses can obtain labor at cheaper costs. However, if unemployment is too high, this may result in a recession and less discretionary consumer pending resulting in insufficient sales to keep the business going. Tax rates will take a chunk of your income and currency exchange rates can either help or hurt the exporting of your products to specific foreign markets. Now, lets turn our attention to microeconomic factors for a bit. Market size may determine the viability of entering into a new market. If a market is too small, there may not be sufficient demand and profit potential. This leads us to the concept of demand and supply. If your product is in high demand but there is low supply of it, you are going to make a tidy profit, but if your product is in low demand and the market is flooded with similar products, you may be facing bankruptcy. The quality and quantity of your competition will affect how well you do in winning customers in the marketplace. Suppliers are the arteries pumping vital supplies and resources to you for production. If you have problems with suppliers, it can clog up those arteries and cause serious problems. Likewise, the type of relationship you have with your distributors, such as retail stores, may influence how quickly your products leave their helves. Summary The environment in which a business operates is very complex and has a great deal of influence on how a business performs and whether it will succeed. Macroeconomic factors influence not only a business but also all participants in an economy and include such things as interest rates, inflation, unemployment rates, taxes, discretionary spending, periods of growth and recession. Microeconomic factors also influence the success or failure of a business and include such things as market size, demand, supply, competitors, suppliers, and distributors.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Verbless Sentences
Definition and Examples of Verbless Sentences Definition In English grammar, a verbless sentence is a construction that lacks a verb but functions as a sentence. Also known as aà broken sentence. A verbless sentence is a common type of minor sentence. In rhetoric, this construction is called scesis onomaton. See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Be DeletionCrotEllipsisFragmentIn Defense of Fragments, Crots, and Verbless SentencesSentence FragmentVerbless ClauseWhat Is a Sentence?Zero Copula Examples and Observations No comment.Great job!Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels.(The Doctor in Blink, Doctor Who, 2007)Waiter! raw beef-steak for the gentlemans eyenothing like raw beefsteak for a bruise, sir; cold lamp-post very good, but lamp-post inconvenient.(Alfred Jingle in The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, 1837)Smashed wheels of wagons and buggies, tangles of rusty barbed wire, the collapsed perambulator that the French wife of one of the towns doctors had once pushed proudly up the planked sidewalks and along the ditchbank paths. A welter of foul-smelling feathers and coyote-scattered carrion which was all that remained of somebodys dream of a chicken ranch.(Wallace Stegner, Wolf Willow, 1962)A white hat. A white embroidered parasol. Black shoes with buckles glistening like the dust in the blacksmiths shop. A silver mesh bag. A silver calling-card case on a little chain. Another bag of silver mesh, gathered to a tight, round neck of strips of silver that will open out, like the hatrack in th e front hall. A silver-framed photograph, quickly turned over. Handkerchiefs with narrow black hemsmorning handkerchiefs. In bright sunlight, over breakfast tables, they flutter.(Elizabeth Bishop, In the Village. The New Yorker, December 19, 1953) Paris with the snow falling. Paris with the big charcoal braziers outside the cafes, glowing red. At the cafe tables, men huddled, their coat collars turned up, while they finger glasses of grog Americain and the newsboys shout the evening papers.(Ernest Hemingway, The Toronto Star, 1923; By-Line: Ernest Hemingway, ed. by William White. Scribners, 1967)It better as a verbless sentence seems to have won a place in correct, if informal, speech. I sure hope the market improves. It better. In fact, it had better might seem excessively formal in such an exchange.(E. D. Johnson, The Handbook of Good English. Simon Schuster, 1991)Fowler on the Verbless SentenceA grammarian might say that a verbless sentence was a contradiction in terms; but, for the purpose of this article, the definition of a sentence is that which the OED calls in popular use often, such a portion of a composition or utterance as extends from one full stop to another.The verbless sentence is a device for enlivening the w ritten word by approximating it to the spoken. There is nothing new about it. Tacitus, for one, was much given to it. What is new is its vogue with English journalists and other writers . . ..Since the verbless sentence is freely employed by some good writers (as well as extravagantly by many less good ones) it must be classed as modern English usage. That grammarians might deny it the right to be called a sentence has nothing to do with its merits. It must be judged by its success in affecting the reader in the way the writer intended. Used sparingly and with discrimination, the device can no doubt be an effective medium of emphasis, intimacy, and rhetoric.(H.W. Fowler and Ernest Gowers, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 1965) Henry Peacham on Scesis OnomatonHenry Peacham [1546-1634] both defined and exemplified scesis onomaton: When a sentence or saying doth consiste altogether of nouns, yet when to every substantive an adjective is joined, thus: A man faithful in friendship, prudent in counsels, virtuous in conversation, gentle in communication, learned in all learned sciences, eloquent in utterance, comely in gesture, pitiful to the poor, an enemy to naughtiness, a lover of all virtue and goodliness (The Garden of Eloquence). As Peachams example demonstrates, scesis onomaton can string together phrases to form an accumulatio . . ..(Arthur Quinn and Lyon Rathburn, Scesis Onomaton. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, ed. by Theresa Enos. Routledge, 2013)Scesis Onomaton in George Herberts Sonnet PrayerPrayer the churchs banquet, angels age,Gods breath in man returning to his birth,The soul in paraphrase, heart in pilgrimage,The Christian plummet sounding heavn and earthEngine against th Almighty, sin ners towr,Reversed thunder, Christ-side-piercing spear,The six-days world transposing in an hour,A kind of tune, which all things hear and fear;Softness, and peace, and joy, and love, and bliss,Exalted manna, gladness of the best,Heaven in ordinary, man well drest,The milky way, the bird of Paradise,Church-bells beyond the stars heard, the souls blood,The land of spices; something understood.(George Herbert [1593-1633), Prayer [I])
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Multiculturalism Issue and Data-based Solution Article
Multiculturalism Issue and Data-based Solution - Article Example There seems to be no end in sight for rising tuition prices. Research has been done time and again to figure out why tuition prices continue to rise, especially when institutions, private or public, used to be free or of minimal fees. While there is no one definite answer to this dilemma, six factors have been figured out as to what could be causing the tuition rise, and they are as follows: economic and fiscal conditions of the individual states; demographic and postsecondary enrollment patterns; characteristics of state political systems; postsecondary governance patterns; regional influences; and various aid policies at the state, federal, and institutional levels. These aspects contribute to the costly fees that students must pay for higher education. ââ¬Å"The Influence of Active Learning on the College Student Departure Processâ⬠is about the departure rates of students attending both two-year and four-year colleges. Approximately one-half of students leave after their first year at a two-year college, and almost one-fourth of students leave after the first year at a four-year college. These constant departures are thought to be caused by a lack of classroom-based academic experiences. Researchers have produced theories that have pointed to the fact that students really come to rely on what goes on inside of a classroom, not only during school hours but after. These theorists have come to the conclusion that students will depart a school if the school is not meeting their expectations in regard to their learning experiences. However, as is the case with the former article, this theory for student departure is just that ââ¬â a theory. There is no definite way to know what makes students want to leave school after the fi rst year. Many students leave because they miss their home or their families, or they change their majors.
Friday, October 18, 2019
John Wesley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
John Wesley - Essay Example Wesleyââ¬â¢s preaching mainly focused in developing the Modern Methodist movement, which encompasses the concept of Pentecostalism, the Charismatic movement and Neo-Charismatic churches. Thus, he strongly emphasized on the evangelical status which was much more deviated form the Orthodox Catholic Christianism. Also, he insisted much on perfectionism among the Christians, where he focused on implanting holiness in their heart and life. He framed small groups through which he preached the sacraments and other religious instructions among the members of the groups. Thus the concept of Christian perfectionism was his major basic sacramental theology. ââ¬Å"Wesley wished Methodist to become peculiar people; to abstain from marriages outside the societies; to be distinguished by their dress and by the gravity of speech and manners; to avoid the company of even relatives who were still in Satanââ¬â¢s kingdom.â⬠(Bloy, n. d). Thus, pertaining to the above statement he insisted th at the Methodist to lead a disciplined and spiritual life. Moreover, he always opted for the Open-air teaching where he preached the essence of faith in Salvation and to feel that each and every human being is the child of God and they are filled with Godââ¬â¢s spirit. Also he maintained a cordial and amicable relationship with his fellow followers. This part of the content will identify and link the relationship of John Wesley with his followers and his contribution to the Christian History. Wesley traveled all throughout his life meeting all sections of people propagating the vital elements of Methodism and the concept of evangelism. ââ¬Å"He traveled almost constantly, generally on horse back, preaching twice or thrice a day.â⬠(Theology thru Technology). As mentioned above, he formed small groups or societies and propagated his preaching through the groups. Each group had to follow the religious instructions strictly. He insisted the concept of personal responsibility i n developing the spirituality among the members of the societies. He also selected preachers among the groups and they had the role of spreading the concept of evangelism and taking care of the people. His main motive was to administer discipline among the members of the society and thereby allowing them to feel the spirituality and ultimate salvation. His link and relationship with the people, who were his followers, can be easily identified through various events that he implemented during his period. For example, he opened many chapels and made the people to assemble in those chapels and commissioned the preachers respectively. Importantly, he raised funds for the schools, orphanages and established charity homes in various regions of United States of America. Also, he assisted the poor and the sick people by providing them with appropriate medication and other treatment for illness. Thus, he rendered a helping hand for the people who were in need. Moreover he took earnest steps in preparing the religious literatures through which he could make even a lay man understand the essence of Christianity. Through his continuous and constant traveling he was able to meet people and enlighten them with his preaching. ââ¬Å"He is believed to have traveled in the course of his itinerant ministry more then 250,000 miles and to have preached more than 40,000 times.â⬠(John Wesley, n. d.). Thus he spread the vital essence of spiritual Holiness among the people. John Wesley can be considered as a keen observer of Human behavior,
Sense of self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sense of self - Essay Example It is a blueprint such as a gut check for people to reflect on reason why they respond diversely to distinct situations. The most critical times for sense of self are in problem solving, relationships as well as decision-making. Their self is the first relationship people have. Regularly, others prescribe peopleââ¬â¢s selfs most undeniably during the young age. Children trust in educators and guardians notifying them who they are to be the good children. Occasionally, they receive information that fail to build them or assist them in trusting in their capabilities. These negative messages obliterate childrenââ¬â¢s sense of self and they have possibilities of feeling apprehensive and miserable about themselves. They may consider themselves insignificant or not acceptable. Everybody requires having a sense of self that is strong enough to believe in themselves as well as assist others. Just like an enigma, sense of self has various diverse factors integrated to come up with a picture. These factors include self-acquaintance, defectiveness, management and self-consciousness. Self-alertness is a means for people to realize their personal characters, beliefs, value systems, natural proclivity and propensities. Since everyone have their technique of responding to diverse circumstances, generating information as well as learning, it is important to erratically have time to reflect on oneââ¬â¢s self to achieve an enhanced insight into themselves. Self-awareness assists people to appreciate themselves better, make modifications and recognize areas for enhancements (Cottle 62). In relation to self-knowledge, everyone is distinctive and nobody is faultless. For people to be conscious of their competence, the foremost step is acknowledging themselves on their weaknesses and strength. The more people comprehend themselves the more effective their growth will become. The third aspect of
Bonus Assignment #1 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Bonus Assignment #1 - Case Study Example Gwaltney, chairman of the board of Gwaltney Mortar Company and Richard J Holland, board chairperson and the C.E.O. In addition to those we have Rodger R. Kapella, C.E.O and president of Patrick Cudahy, Robert W. executive V.P, Wendel H, president and board chairman of Murphy Farms, Inc., P. Edward Schenk, president and C.E.O of Gwaltney of Smithfield, Ltd., and Aaron D. the V.P., Treasurer and Secretary of the company. Joseph W. Luter is the C.E.O and the chair of the board. I think the chair/ C.E.O of the company is exception because he has 81% of the stock capital. The directors of the company receive a lot of cash compensation for participating in the board meeting. The Smithfield Company has a nomination committee that is in charge of all the nomination processes. All the stockholders nominate the companyââ¬â¢s directors. I think that the appointment procedure is independent because the nomination committee is credible. The audit committee is made of Messrs. Faison and Murphy. Independent public accountants assist the committee in financial matters. By meeting nine times is enough for them to achieve their financial and other obligations. Joel Greenberg joined the Smithfield board in the year 1987. Richard J, Holland is a Board chair and the C.E.O of the Farmers Bank. In the fiscal year 1992, the executive committee attended no meeting. The Smithfield C.E.O had 81% of the stock capital, which is incomparable with that of other directors. Besides the C.E.O., we have other directors with insignificant shares hence decision-making was by the C.E.O. Over a number of years the governance structure has changed a lot and for the better of all. If the development continues, the company is expected to improve in terms of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Cycle Shop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Cycle Shop - Essay Example Shoulder movements such as shaking or nodding the head are movements created by an individual as an easier for the person to make a quick decision. People can also stiffen the body parts or at least reduce the movements by trying to control the reaction to the effect of the emotion. The slight head movements are hard to control because when a person is lying, for example, it is automatic for the expressions to occur and the individual may not have much ability to control it (Rosenberg & Ekman, 2005). Emotions expressed from the face such as blushing are also not easy to control because these are expressions, which occur as a result of tension in the body. One of the situations where the verbal and non-verbal expressions do not go together is when a person is telling the truth and his facial expression is suggesting that he intended to lie. In this process, the interviewer may be able to detect that the person is confused (Ekman, 2009). Other people may use the technique of looking down to avoid eye contact when they are lying even though it is also said the truthful people could make the same movements. Another situation is where one looks at an interviewee, and notices that his eye pupils are dilating. This is seen as a sign of lying, but it may not be consistent with the expression because at times the dilation may have been caused by bright light (Friesen & Ekman, 2003). There are a few emotional expressions which cannot be controlled. These are the expressions where the body does not necessarily have to produce any movements, but they are those that can be identified by just looking at a personââ¬â¢s face. They include paleness of the skin, redness of the face and eye blinking (Ekman, 2009). This is a situation where a person may be embarrassed or guilty and cannot control the changes occurring on his face. No matter how much the person may not want the interviewer to notice the expressions,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Managing change within an organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing change within an organization - Essay Example Type of product or Service The retail company operating based on a number of formats is found to trade on a plethora of products ranging from groceries to food products to toys to apparels also. The commodity base of the retail company has further expanded to include different hardware and automotive parts and also frozen products making it the largest retailer of the world (Walmart Corporate). Type of Organization The organization in question based in United States operates mainly along the retail sector. Wal-Mart which has become the leader in the retail global retail sector through continuing its operation based on corporate sustainability and also focuses in contributing to the growth of internal people (Walmart). Management Style The management style or approach in Wal-Mart reflects high amount of consciousness for sustainability. The sustainable approaches of the management team are reflected owing to the companyââ¬â¢s high amount of dependence on renewable energy sources an d its endeavors in reducing the quanta of waste. Further the company also works in procuring and selling such products as are both consumer and environment friendly. Wal-Mart also focuses on generating a cost effective approach through the location of local retailers (Walmart-a). Values and Mission and Culture of Wal-Mart The values, mission and culture of Wal-Mart stores focus mainly on the welfare and interests of the consumers. The mission of the company thus focuses on helping the people save enough money and to lead a life which is healthy. Wal-Mart values the needs of its consumer profile and works to provide cost effective services and products to them. Working on the above mission statement the company has developed a working culture focused on hearing the queries and feedback from both internal and external consumers. Further the company management also endeavors in redefining eye contacts with the internal and external client base (Walmart-a). . Need for Change and Change Leaders in Wal-Mart Coping with the changes in demand in the external market the management team at Wal-Mart has also decided to bring large amount of changes in the structural and organizational policies of the company. Changes in the organizational polices were brought about reflecting more on environment protection by switching over to renewable energy sources and in usage of recycled materials. Moreover the management body of the company is required to pay heed to the voices coming from the lower hierarchies. In another change Wal-Martââ¬â¢s managers endeavored to remove the practice of sexual discrimination in the work structure (Mathis, 31). Wal-Mart has also incorporated the systems of electronic commerce on an expanded plane to help strategize its marketing moves and reach larger consumer bases. Again the company is also working to effectively develop its supply chain and logistics network by opening up local warehouses. This helps in reducing the cost of procurement and transportation and thereby enhances productivity (Walmart-a). Change leaders in Wal-Mart like Mike Duke, Bill Simon and John Fleming endeavor to not only take into hold the cooperative nature of the
The Cycle Shop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Cycle Shop - Essay Example Shoulder movements such as shaking or nodding the head are movements created by an individual as an easier for the person to make a quick decision. People can also stiffen the body parts or at least reduce the movements by trying to control the reaction to the effect of the emotion. The slight head movements are hard to control because when a person is lying, for example, it is automatic for the expressions to occur and the individual may not have much ability to control it (Rosenberg & Ekman, 2005). Emotions expressed from the face such as blushing are also not easy to control because these are expressions, which occur as a result of tension in the body. One of the situations where the verbal and non-verbal expressions do not go together is when a person is telling the truth and his facial expression is suggesting that he intended to lie. In this process, the interviewer may be able to detect that the person is confused (Ekman, 2009). Other people may use the technique of looking down to avoid eye contact when they are lying even though it is also said the truthful people could make the same movements. Another situation is where one looks at an interviewee, and notices that his eye pupils are dilating. This is seen as a sign of lying, but it may not be consistent with the expression because at times the dilation may have been caused by bright light (Friesen & Ekman, 2003). There are a few emotional expressions which cannot be controlled. These are the expressions where the body does not necessarily have to produce any movements, but they are those that can be identified by just looking at a personââ¬â¢s face. They include paleness of the skin, redness of the face and eye blinking (Ekman, 2009). This is a situation where a person may be embarrassed or guilty and cannot control the changes occurring on his face. No matter how much the person may not want the interviewer to notice the expressions,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Aggressive Parents, Aggressive Children Essay Example for Free
Aggressive Parents, Aggressive Children Essay Growing up, kids have a lot of influences in their life; from television to peers children will always absorb something. With this being said the biggest influence on a child would have to be the people there with the most- their family. Because this is unarguably true, it would then be fair to then assume that parental/ sibling aggression could have a big impact on future relationships caused by development. What is aggression one may ask? Aggression is a hostile, injurious, destructive behaviour or outlook especially when caused by frustration. Human development would be everything that happened from the moment a child thinks for the first time, then. Sigmund Freud was one psychologist who theorizes that those who have experienced trauma from aggression in the home will often use defense mechanisms to disregard unwanted emotions. This leaves a negative effect on the unconscious mind and makes a person act irrationally. By comparing cultures and examining how nature vs. urture, the theme of pies and how the ecological theory all come into play when dealing with the way children treat relationships, it is hoped that one will see that aggression in the home will indeed lead to negative relationships for the childââ¬â¢s near future. One key question many would ask and not for only this topic (but many on the mind in general), would be are these actions and thoughts merely influenced by parents, or are they born with the ââ¬Å"defectâ⬠and therefore forced to live with it. The argument of nature vs. nurture is a questi on that has baffled even the most renowned of psychologists. Both sides have strong supporting arguments therefore coming up with an end answer would be impossible for one to do. In Daenaââ¬â¢s article, entitled ââ¬Å"Is Aggressive Behaviour Biologically or Environmentally Based? â⬠Daena proposes that aggression is learned. Supporting herself by linking aggression with Skinnerââ¬â¢s rat, continuing by saying aggression is caused by positive reinforcement (reward). By calming a kid down with a toy, the child would have received the ââ¬Å"rewardâ⬠, now the child understands if he does this, then another ââ¬Å"rewardâ⬠should come. One way this could be seen in a household could be when a father cusses after he hurts himself. The child could subconsciously perceive that the pain and expression on the father going away shortly after was his reward, therefore the child takes on the habit. This does put some weight on the nurture side because the reward is what causes any outcome. But, Professor Richard Tremblay of the University of Montreal says that ââ¬Å"We do not need to learn to aggress, but to not aggress. In this indirect argument with the other article mentioned Tremblay suggests that children are aggressive by nature and learn how to control their aggression at around 4 years old. When linking nature or nurture to aggression one must understand that they really canââ¬â¢t choose an option and be satisfied with their decision. ââ¬Å"PIESâ⬠stands for the four kinds of development; physical, intellectual, emotional, social. When children witness aggression at home almost every kind of development a re interrupted. Physical development includes growth of bone muscles, motor skills and senses. Intellectual development includes the maturation of mental process, such as learning, imagination, memory and perception. When a child is used to seeing aggression exhibited by their parents, they will associate that violence will many things they see on a daily basis. For example the first time the child sees adults mating on television, etc. Their first instinct would usually be to believe that the couple is actually fighting. This shows that what they sense would be different from whatââ¬â¢s actually happening therefore proving a negative outcome. Emotional development includes the maturation and evolution of emotions, social skills, identity, and morals. If a child grows up witnessing spousal abuse from an early age, and isnââ¬â¢t explained that itââ¬â¢s bad, then would that child not believe that this action is perfectly fine? Seeing the father only do this when heââ¬â¢s angry, the child could perceive that beating somebody is an output of anger for them as well. Social development includes the evolution of knowledge of how people interact, play, share, take turns, or talk socially. From an early stage if the child sees fighting, it is then safe to assume that their ââ¬Ëevolution of knowledge based on how people interactââ¬â¢ will be evolving off of the witnessed negative action seen in the first place (spousal abuse, swearing parents, etc. ). A childââ¬â¢s development could be positive or negative based solely on the overall environment the child is living in. One may be lead to believe that aggression is taught by others, and then mirrored by the children whom the aggression will eventually attach itself too. Urie Bronfenbrenners Ecological Theory argues that development is influenced by five environmental systems. The theory identifies five environmental systems. The five environmental systems are: Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. The microsystem is the childââ¬â¢s immediate surroundings i. e. family, neighborhood and friends. This theory suggests that if the child lives in a damaged microsystem, the childââ¬â¢s development could also be damaged. The mesosystem is the connection seen between immediate environments i. e. parents to peers. This directly relates to the topic showing that if a child witnessââ¬â¢s abuse, thereââ¬â¢s a good chance they will mirror it with their peers. Children need people in order to become human. It is primarily through observing, playing, and working with others both older and younger than he that a child discovers both what he can do and who he can become. â⬠-Urie Bronfenbrenner (quotes. dictionary. com). This quote can be fitted to the topic of aggression in children because she basically explains that without o ther humans, we would have no route for our personality/identity to take. The Macrosystem describes the culture of the child, anywhere from physical geographic, to wealth in the childââ¬â¢s area. Urie suggests that those that are living in lower class are more likely to commit crime. It must also be understood that children influenced by their environment is not conclusive. As children in some African regions see violence every day but learned to adapt with it as opposed to keeping it bottled up in their head. The final system is the Chronosystem. This monitors patterns of environmental events over time. Non-normative events may have a negative psychological effect, e. g. a recent divorce or death in the family. The change is too drastic for the child to cope with. With witnessed aggression, as it starts to become the normal in the childââ¬â¢s life, the child may seek to emulate it later on when the ââ¬Ënormalââ¬â¢ aggression is missing. Urie Bronfenbenners theory does weigh in favor of the child learning the aggression because it all seems to tie into the child feeling a sense of normal. Based on the theory, children will emulate what they see, because if they didnââ¬â¢t emulate anything, they would have no guidance in their life. Their identity would be 100% their own. Therefore if aggression is their guide, aggression will be what children emulate.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Feminist Movement 1960s
Feminist Movement 1960s The Women Movement has been divided into three phases by the feminist experts. Each phase dealt with different issues regarding to females. In the First Wave of Feminism, the movement started from the 18th century which lasted in the beginning of the 20th century. The hurdles of inequality such as property rights and voting rights were the major concerns. Virginia Woolf is the founder of the ideas of this first wave of movement. The first wave completely paid attention to the idea and rights of suffrage. The Second Wave of Womens Movement which is also known as Feminist Movement or the Liberation movement of women in the USA began during the early years of 1960s and lasted throughout the late 1980s. Simone de Beauvoir is allied with the idea of this wave. The second wave of feminism focused on the issues of gender inequality, sexuality, workplace, family and reproductive rights. This wave argued that women have to face the political as well personal tyranny in a society which is male dominant. (Barbara Sinclair, 1983) The womens movement in the 1960s emphasized on attaining freedom in terms of reproductive and sexual. The demands are women specific like centers for rape crisis, birth control options, very reasonably priced child care, emphasis on womens health and other needs of women. This movement resulted in creation of municipal Rape Treatment Center Act, 1974 by which in all city hospitals, rape treatment centers established. This movement also challenged the abortion law in Illinois where abortions were illegal by law by creating an organization named Jane. Other goals of these movements were the equality in terms of economics from 1960 onwards. This movement emphasized on gender equality unlike earlier movements which were aimed for legislation only. Another organization was formed for the rights of women in 1974 name The Coalition of Labor Union Women with the targets like maternity leave, pension benefits deduction and other rights like biased insurance rates and provided access to women who were never before on union level. Women which were already working in Chicago fought hiring and biasness for jobs. The period from 1917 to 1960s had two world wars and an economic boom because of which many women came into Workplace. During the war, women served as labor and then they started working to achieve and maintain the new higher and better living standards which were enjoyed only by middle class families. When women joined the workplace, they soon realized the discriminated behavior towards them in terms of unequal economic and social status. Many movements such as Civil Rights act and student movements were at its peak during the years of 1960s. The women adopted and followed the practices of these movements. They adopted the different methods of awareness raising, demonstrations, protests, and political lobbying to bring in front their own agenda. National Organization for Women (NOW) was established in 1966 which was an official group to represent and fight for the issues and problems of women. This new group of women was not instant success of them but by the end of second years of its creation growing to its members up to the mark of 1035 and was divided by ideological partitions. The founders of NOW began working on the legislation that could improve the living of the women and they also forced the politicians to become aware of the problems of the women. This group worked out six factors which are considered to be essential for womens equality with men which includes the abiding of laws by employers for equal opportunity employment and end the discrimination, equivalent and isolate education as of men. The other factors were maternity leaves, tax deductions and training to poor women while on job. At the same time many other organizations started to establish for the welfare of the women. The two factors on which NOW face d serious problems were Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution which makes sure the equivalent rights regardless of gender and the demand of contraception and abortion. United Auto Workers which was supporting NOW with the office space took out its support because the ERA law will prohibit freedom for women. When some of the NOW members called to revoke the abortion amendments, many other members left NOW. NOW was struggling to re-establish itself as a national organization for women for the period of two years. There were other groups formed due to this blow to NOW by female antiwar, civil rights and members who left NOW due to refusal to readdressing the womens concerns. Women during 1960s period were demoralized by unequal treatment. In 1964 at Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee (SNCC) conference a womans resolution was presented, Stokely Carmichael who was Black Nationalism in United States cut off all the debate with the argument that the only place for women in SNCC is prone. NOW aimed on womens rights, the new radical groups emerged with wider themes of womens freedom and spread in Chicago, Toronto, Seattle, Detroit and other places and towns. Although these radical groups structure was not strong as NOW has its national structure. In no time, womens liberation movement was wide spread and can be observed every where. Liberation movement had no officers nor offices, no addresses and no printed agenda to present their point of view. Miss America Pageant presented the image of womanhood during the protest at Atlantic City and New Jersey in 1968. Redstockings which is one of the feminist radical groups published The Bitch Manifesto based in New York City in 1969. In 1969, NOW called the congress to unite women in which was aimed to unite the radical and moderate wings of the womens movement which was almost impossible task. NOW leaders were aimed to have a reform while the radical groups were aimed to revolution. In 1975, the National Agenda of Women the comprehensive program of legal and political reforms- was presented to the president Gerald Ford, all state governors and all the members of the Congress. Subsequently, in 1977 an action plan was presented to the government official in National Womens Conference in Houston to remind them about the feminine constitution which is their responsibility. National Womens Political Caucus and National Organization for Women keep focusing and pressurizing the politicians and legislators and making prominent of womens issues on media. The legal success of the movements were the Affirmative action, Title IX and Women Education Equity Act, The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974), the act of Pregnancy Discrimination (1978), the illegalization of marital rape and legalization of no fault divorce in all states. Beside all these victories, the change of social attitudes in favor of female is considered the biggest victory of the womens movement. The year of 1980 is the decline of the second wave of feminine movement. During the early 1980s, it was thought that females have achieved all of their demanded goals. In 1982, the Equal Right Act (ERA) was failed, because only three states did not approve this. The second wave of womens movement was successful except the ERA. (Flora Davis, 1999) Pros and Cons Despite of problems faced by Womens movement due to its leadership and ranks, the movement attained some goals in a very short time. Due to support of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 1965, women in US got jobs in every corner of US and the employees which have decimation histories are required to provide the durations in which they increase the women strength in their companies. Some laws including Divorce laws were relaxed; ensuring that employers can not fire the pregnant women from jobs and some new study programs for women are introduced in universities and colleges. In 1972, Congress passed an amendment in the Higher Education Act which ensured that there must be no discrimination on the bases of gender in educational programs which are getting federal financial helps and also ensured that there must be same space for womens in all male schools. ERA amendments in the US laws including state sodomy laws, existence of single sex bathrooms in public places, legalization of same-sex marriage and relationship and making abortion as a legal right funded by the taxpayer fund. This law required 38 states which were not achieved as expected and amendment fell short of three states support. There was a growing sense that womens movement goals are already achieved. NOW sustained its new role in new millennium by struggling for womens rights including equality in military and federal funding for child care programs and to prevent any violence against womens of US. Despite of its popularity and its membership and funding growth, its activism fragmented and burdened with opposition. In sum, the second wave of womens movement was very successful for the welfare and in status up gradation of women. It has many successes and the only failure is the ERA. In the Third Wave of Feminism started in 1990s and present till today. This movement started in result of the perceived failures of the second wave of Feminism. The Equal Rights amendment is still in question and in progress which was supported by second and third wave movement leaders.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Implementation of solution :: Computer Science
Implementation of solution Resources The hardware and the software are the main resource which I have used, in which is essential because one canââ¬â¢t work without the other working. Hardware is the actual pieces of equipment in an information processing system that we can touch and see. Examples are: - Keyboard - Mouse - Printer Software are the programs which are written to assist computer users, they cannot be touched. Examples are: - Data - Memory - Programmes The hardware that I used Pentium three was the system I have used, which has the speed of 1 Giga hertz 512 mega bytes ram (random access memory), 39 Giga bytes hard drive. It also has a sound card, graphic card and network card. A 17 inch monitor, standard floppy drive, a 52x speed CD-ROM and access to the internet. The printer I have used were the colour inkjet X7100 (Lexmark),The mouse and then keyboard input all the information. Here are the peripherals I used: - Keyboard- it is a device, which each and every computer has, which enables the input of data by pressing the precise keys on the keyboard. - Mouse- It is also an input device designed to fit under the palm of a hand while it is being moved around on a table or mat. It is around the size of a human palm and very easy to use. Moving the mouse produces movements of a cursor or a pointer on the monitor screen. It is provided with one, two or three buttons. - Monitor- it is in other words called a screen, in which allows us to see the processed data and it is an input device as well as an output device. For the use of a computer a monitor is needed, so the monitor is a vital part of a computer. - Printer- this is another peripheral device, which produces the hard copy of the document, which I chose on the screen. - Central processing unit (CPU) - of a computer is the main part of the computer. It contains the processor, the main store and various circuits needed to communicate with devices outside it. It is the part, which will process all my data and without this their would be no computer. - Disc drive- this is the part of the computer that allowed me to read the data, which I stored and saved on the floppy disc. - Floppy discs- it is a light, flexible magnetic disc held in a protective jacket, which is easily transportable unlike the hard drive that cannot be moved from one place to another. This is a form of backing up data and allows me to save data, which I find very
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